To underline the trust in the capabilities of UTA Assistance, a 25 years young American was hit by a speeding car in Tbilisi Georgia. She suffered from serious head trauma, and multiple internal and external injuries, and slipped into a come in the emergency room. To complicate matters, her injuries required her to be medevac-ed at low altitude.

The Assistance Company decided to entrust this case to UTA Assistance

The Assistance Company decided to entrust this case to UTA Assistance and we flew her 3 days after the accident to Amman, where a team comprising of a neurosurgeon, a thoracic surgeon, a maxillofacial surgeon, and an orthopedic surgeon was at hand at the hospital when she arrived. The team elected to stabilize her condition and she spent 3 days in intensive care. On the fifth day, the team operated multiple procedures simultaneously in order to limit the risks associated with anesthesia. Ten days after she arrived Amman, patient and her parents left to the USA. She traveled as a regular passenger.